Kaycie, who preferred to not give her last name, is photographed in Pleasanton, Calif., on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. Kaycie was sexually molested as a toddler and has benefitted from the services of the Tri-Valley Haven. They received funding this year from Share the Spirit, an annual holiday campaign that serves needy residents in the East Bay. (Jane Tyska/Bay Area News Group)

Molested as toddler, woman starts to heal after call to Tri-Valley Haven


Bay Area News Group

When an older male relative started molesting her, Kaycie was too young to understand she was being exploited. She was maybe 2 or 3 years old.

When she was 9, Kaycie and her dad were watching a movie with a sex scene, spurring her to ask what the characters were doing. “He told me about the birds and the bees,” she recalled. “Everything clicked, and I realized what had happened to me. I cried.”

She also told her parents what had happened to her, defying the threats of her molester. Her parents confronted him, and the assaults ended.

But the pain didn’t.

Read more at East Bay Times…

How to help

Note: This story was fulfilled, but you can still donate to the general fund, which will be distributed to local charities throughout the year.

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