The spirit of giving is shining brightly in the Bay Area. Share the Spirit readers are stepping up to help their neighbors in need. As of January 20, 2023, your generous donations have totalled a heartwarming $579,674! Your contributions will fuel essential programs that support countless families struggling in the East Bay and other local communities.
We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to our amazing donors: corporate partners, foundation friends and individual supporters like you — you’ve all have made Share the Spirit a success year after year.
The following is a list of donors whose generosity we’d like to publicly acknowledge. (If your name is missing or needs editing please email us at [email protected].) We are also grateful to the many anonymous donors who choose to quietly share their compassion.
Together, we can create a brighter holiday season for our neighbors in need.
All of the money raised goes to the nonprofit programs and families featured in the Share the Spirit campaign, with the East Bay Times covering all administrative costs of the program.
Steve Adachi
Paula Adams in memory of Graham Richards
Theresa Airaudi
Sarah & Bob Albo
Diane Alexander
Harold Alexander
Elsie & Jim Allen in memory of Maury Huguet
Chris & Linda Altomare in memory of Stephen Boss “Twitch”
Leslie Alva in memory of Roger Inman
Shannon Amezquita
Ken & Tamara Anderson
Lucy Anemone
Elizabeth Anhorn
Anonymous in memory of James Ahuna
Anonymous in honor of Alan Berkeley
Anonymous in memory of Warren Bouton
Anonymous in memory of Mishelle Carey
Anonymous in honor of the Fitzgerald Family
Anonymous in honor of Lois Dueltgen
Anonymous in memory of George Dunphy
Anonymous in honor of Phil Conklin
Anonymous in memory of Chet Gonsalves
Anonymous in memory of Evelyn Siino
Anonymous in honor of my dad
Anonymous in memory of Marcelles
Anonymous in memory of Charlie Clemens & Patricia Lai
Anonymous in memory of Lucinda Zavala
Anonymous in memory of Rose Lopez
Anonymous in memory of Rose Marie Bronk
Anonymous in honor of The Spirit of The Season
Anonymous in honor of all my former HS Students, 1972-2005
Anonymous in memory of Nancy Ruth Rex
Anonymous in memory of David Steffen
Anonymous in memory of Liam Olson
Anonymous in memory of Vamsi Sunkara
Anonymous in memory of Sam Hirabayashi
Anonymous in memory of Michael Venema
Anonymous in memory of David Wilde
MIke & Janet Appel
Stuart Appley in memory of Cory Robin Appley
Robin Aquino in memory of Carolyn Ulyate
Patricia Arias
Dori Armbruster in honor of Alzheimer’s Assoc.
Phil & Gretchen Arth
Margaret Arundell
Cynthia Ashbrook & Jeffrey Smith
Marjorie & Earle Atkinson
Alice August in memory of R.L. Shepherd
Shauna Avon
Al & Marsha Badella
Joseph & Rebecca Baem
Margaret Bajan
Joyce Balderston
Sandra Baldocchi in memory of Gene Rittburg
Phil & Pat Balsama
Sandra Banke in honor of Joyce Bowers
Suzanne Barba
Bill Barber in memory of Gene Barber
Carolyn Barcklay
Barbara Barnacal
Robert Barney
Roger & Gloria Barrow
Kathleen Barrows
Gregory Bartow
Connie Batchelder
Carolyn Baumann
Jutta Beckes in memory of Byron
Margit Bell
Glen Bell
David Belli
Marcia Bender in honor of Julia & Lilly Bender
Diane & Pat Benedict in memory of Margie & Pat
David Bengston
Jorge & Helen Bernett
Patricia Berrey
Dan Berry
Dale & Joanne Berven
Ken & Marian Bick in memory of Kathlyn Furnish
Douglas Bielskis
Nancy Bissell
Beatrice Bitner
Richard Black
Sally Blackwell
Mary Bland in memory of Anne & Ed Balles
Patricia Bleile
Lyn Blowe in memory of Mom & Dad, who taught me unconditional love & generosity
Teresa Bobbitt in memory of Gail Stucken
Burt Bogardus
Ronald Bogin
Leonie Bonarius in memory of Piet Bosboom
Goldie Bond
Rosemary Bondi
Gloria Bonora
Daniel Borenstein
Charles Bos
Barbara Bouchet
Brooke Bovo
Mike & Sue Brandy
Richard & Lynn Brear
Alan Brecht in memory of Jack and Frances Brecht
Wayne Brewer in memory of Syl Morales
Linda Brockway
Bruce Brown in memory of Patricia Sanguinetti
June Brown
Gordon Brown
Judith Brownfield
Dave & Marian Brubaker in memory of
Norma & Otis McCain
Anne Bruenn
Anita Brugman in memory of Robert Copp
Jeff Bruno
Marda Buchholtz
Barbara Buckley
Steve & Linda Buckman
Donna Buessing
Blythe & Gray Buetzow
Laura Burbidge
Bruce Burke
Ken Burke & Nina Kindblad
Janet Burnett in honor of Colin
Pamela Burns
Charles & Jean Busch
Rich & Mary Butler
Patti C.
Charles & Lorraine Caison
Kent & Karin Caldwell
Carol Calkins
Diana Cameron
Jim & Linda Campbell
John Cardenas
Nalda Cargo
Joe Carlucci
Garth & Pat Casaday
Patricia Casey
Susan Cassanello in memory of Maxine & Katie
Jeff Castronovo
Anne Cawood
Linda Centoni in honor of all our veterans
Carol Chamberlin
Constance Chan in memory of Fred Kucera
Michael Chandler
Lucy Chappell in memory of Atha Mathieu
Susana Charm
Chateau Seaview Charitable Fund
Carol Chavez in memory of Louie Chavez
Charles Chen in honor of Cameron Chen
Patricia Cheney
Orlando & Jaqueline Chiavini
Zoher Chiba
Harvey Chin
Albert Citero
Michael Cluster
Ashley Coates
Gerald Cockrill
Patricia Coffey
Patricia Coleman
Lou & Bob Collins in memory of Doloris, Jean and Patty
Steve Collins in memory of Helen Collins
Anne Collins
Jerry Collins
Jeanie & Michael Conneran in memory of
Sam Goldeen
Maryann & John Connolly
Nona Cook in honor of
Michael & Troy Cook and James Stonhaus
Barbara & Bill Cooper
Harvey Corales
Patrick Corder
William Costa
Charles & Karen Couric
Andi Coval
Charles & Virginia Cowden
Margaret Craddock
Denise Craig
Margaret Crawford in memory of Horace Crawford
Jan Creighton in honor of Katie Van Amburg
Katherine Creighton
Sandy & Tim Cremin
Robert Crespi
Barbara Crews
Melanie Wendell & Ed Croft
Martha Crowe
Steven & Cynthia Cuevas
Steve & Pam Culp
Deena Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cummings
Lynda & Al Cunningham
Art Dahlberg
Nanc & Art Dahlberg
Carol Dalessio in memory of J. Susan Leich
Phil & Sandy Dalforno
Cary Dalziel
Dean & Mary Damianakes in memory of Karen Damianakes
Ramona Davis in memory of Roselinde Russell
Jay & Mary Davis
James & Gail Davis
Beryl Dees
Mark Del Bono
Judith Del Tredici
Hank Delevati — TWANDA Foundation in honor of Sidne Long
Gale & Jim Denels
Gary & Carolyn Depolo in memory of Vincent & Edith Depolo
June Devereaux in memory of Mom
Lynda Devine
Anchal & Sunil Dhawan in memory of Kuldeep Singh Patyal
Mary Diehl Rosenberg
Robert Docili
Aldo Dossa in memory of Charoell Dossa
Marion Dow
John & Michele Drath
Patricia & Robert Duey
Cherie Duncan in memory of Lloyd & Mildred Kirby
Carol Dunkle
Rick & Marianne Dunley in memory of Rose Billeci Continente
Dian Duryea
Terri & Brad Dyer
Earl Family Fund
Rae Eckholm in honor of Hanalee, Talia, Ari, Robbie and Will
Elizabeth Eddy
John & Cindy Egan
Lisa Eitzel
Beth Elliott
Marietta Elliott
Trish Elliott
Ann Elliott
Charles & Mary Ellis in memory of Dr. & Mrs. C. Melville Ellis
Charles & Mary Ellis in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Pitzen
Jane & Roger Emanuel
Bob Erbland in memory of Cpl Tom Chaney, USMC
Aileen Evans in memory of Roger “Bud” Evans
Marsha Everett
Susan Ewald
Thomas Family
James & Trish Farr
Farr-Roozen Properties
Justin Fawsitt in memory of Justin Fawsitt
Hugh & Anna Fehrenbach
Gail Fellman
Rose M. Ferrante in memory of David Farrante
Burke & Wendy Ferrari in honor of the Ferrari Family
Don Fiegel
James & Sharon Filippi
Andrew & Elizabeth Finfrock
Marica Finley
Nancy & Larry Fitzgerald
Sally & Earl Flage
Paul & Fran Flores
FNR Properties LLC
Rich & Nancy Foltz
L. Fong
Fontana Family Foundation
Beverly Fonzi in memory of Rico Fonzi
Foottrell Family
David & Cheryl Forde
Natalie Forrest in memory of Douglas G. Sprague
Vera Franklin
Sherrie Fraser
Peter Frazier
Susan Freeman
Craig & Laurie Frieders
Ednah Beth Friedman
Bob & Vivian Fujii in memory of Ven & May Louie
Fujikawa Family
David Fulkerson in memory of
Justin Torquemada
Robert Fulton
Fred & Betty Furuta
Bruce & Sharon Gach
Ann Gaitan in memory of Ronald Coughlin
Christine Garcelon in honor of Carche, Diane & Lillian
Robert Alan Garcia in memory of Max Garcia
Maya Gardner
Charles & Gayle Garrison in memory of Geraldine Kelly Caruso
Denise Gavello
Kathleen Geddes
Daven Gee
Barbara George
Teri Gerritz in memory of Gretchen de Golia
Karen Getman
Thomas & Gail Gibbons
Alma Gilbert-Smith
Michael & Diana Gilmore
Rose Marie Gish
Kimberly Giuntini
Devra Gladstone in honor of Hope Gladstone
Barbara Glass
James Glaze
Sharon Glover
Don Goerlitz in memory of Cecelia Goerlitz
Dilip & Neela Gohil
Rosa Goldman
Merry Beth Gong
Andres Gonzalez
Sara Goolsby in memory of Harry Burke
Rita Gordon in honor of my mother
Susanna Gordon in memory of James P. Gordon
Gina Gotsill
Dennis & Janet Govan
Joan Gower
Doulgas Graham
Eleanor Grakauskas in memory of Aras Grakauskas
Janet Grant
Diane Grant
Ann & Thom Graves
Howard Graves & Julie Baller
Cheryl Gray in memory of Jana Lyn Gray
Gary Gray
Larry Gray
Pete & Rose Greeff
Marian Green
Mary Green
Gavin Greene
Bob & Donna Grier
Diane Griffiths
Jackie Grissom in memory of Terri Grissom
Glenn Groshans
Tom Grossman
Phil & Susan Grover
Christina Grzechowiak in memory of
Jerry Grzechowiak
Kay Gschwend in memory of Mary Nystrom
David & Yvonne Guilford
Rosalind Guillory
Vince & Lynne Guise
Patricia Gunderson
Charles F. Guthrie
Frank Hackett
Laura Hall
Anna Halligan
Maureen Hallisy in memory of Scott Shaia
Kenneth Hamann
Perry & Maria Hamilton
Susan Handy in memory of Darrell Handy
Beth Hansen
Evie Harner in memory of Michaael Harner Sr.
Ron & Natalie Harnish in memory of Al & Bess Gildoy
Sam & Ellen Harris
Diane Harris
Steven & Frances Harrison
Peter Hartdegen
Janis Hashe
Mrs Ruben Hausauer in memory of Ruben Hausauer
Alison Haux
Renee Haynes
Pixie Hayward Schickele
Roberta Healy
Katherine Heater in memory of Sayra
John & Louise Heffernan in memory of James & Betty Hefferman
Arlene Hegarty
Lorraine Heinemann
Betsy Henderson
Bob & Tonya Hennessey in memory of Norman L. Storr
Daniel & Carol Henry
Tim & Sharyn Henshaw
Tom & Caroline Hensley
Teresa Henson in memory of loved ones who are gone
Rebecca Hernandez in memory of Art Martinez
Cheree Hethershaw
Anita Hiebert in honor of Todd Weinert
Thomas Higgins
James Hillis
Paul Hirschberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Hirschfeld
Thomas Hodgens
Lavon Hodges
Rose Hofer in memory of Kurt Hofen
Jim & Maddie Hogan
Mary Ann Hoisington
Jeff & Lynn Hollfelder in memory of Barbara Gillott
Jim & Barbara Hollingsworth
Pamela Holloway in memory of William Holloway & Betty Loeffler
Gloria Horinouchi
Howard Hornig
Timothy Houck
Mary Ann Hruska
Lisa Hudson
Graham & Amy L. Huey
Gene Huffman
Ken & Joanne Hughes
Carol Huhn
Beverly Hunt
Tyler & Pat Hunt
Judith Huse
Esther Hutchinson
Deborah Hyppa
Victoria Infante in honor of Nutmeg, Duster, Sweepea and Midas
Holly Ito
Annette Iwamoto
Rebecca Iwasaki
William & Rosemarie Jackson in memory of Mary Rabner
Ursula Jackson
The Jackson Family
Annie Jacobsen
Katherine Jarrett
Connie Jarvis
Nyles Johnson in memory of Edwin “Ed” Lewis
Nyles Johnson in memory of Anthony “Tony” Gladson
Kathie Johnson
Peter Johnson
Frances Jones in memory of Jennifer Ann Jones & Michael Mithcell Jones Jr.
Frances Jones in memory of Sarah & Jack Bolcerek
Patricia Jones
Jacquelin Jones
Deborah Joseph in memory of Bonnie & Lou Aguilar
Robert Kachadoorian
Diane & Terry Kamrin in honor of Colin, Clari, Kyle & CoryCaroline Kane
Bruce & Claudia Kaplan
Christl Kasler
Bob & Pat Kassawara in memory of Thomas Kassawara
Kiyoshi Katsumoto
Kent & Catherine Kavasch
Jon Kawamoto
Gary & Carol Kefer
Larry & Ann Keiffer
John Keller
Ellen Kelly in memory of Michael Kelly
Bruce Kelly & Lynn Trostad
Don & Colette Kelsey
Jo Ann Kendall
Judy Kennedy
Judith Kennedy
Kathy Kenworthy & Paul Barale
Pamela L. Kershner
Mathew Kessler
Lindy Khan
Steven Kim
William King in memory of Regina King
Merryann Kiser
Patricia Kite
Kathy Klein & Scott Fink
Alice & Jeff Klingmann
Gerald & Rosette Koch
E. Kofman
Jessie Kohgadai
Elizabeth Kok
Marcia Kolb
Cyrus Kon
Gregg & Anne Korbin
Ken & Patti Kosich
Danelia Kracht
Mark & Christine Kramer
Donna Krehbiel
Carl & Roswitha Kress
Peter & Kathleen Kritscher
Mel Krugel
Donna & Joe Kruger
David Krumboltz
Suzanne Kuba
Michael Kurtz
Dennis Kuzak
Kathryn Laborde in memory of Taryn, Marc, Scott Sievers
Cynthia Lakes
Marianne Lamberts in memory of Albert & Georgette Labarthe
Connie Land
F. & B. Lang
Marianne & Josh Langsdale
Tricia Lansaw
Barbara Larios-Simpson
Debbie Laris
Bernard Larner
Marion Larson
Eric & Laura Larson
Lois Lashell & Al Guskin
Susie Laton
Scott Law
Matt & Ellen Lawrence
Kathryn Layton
Le Blanc Family
Joanne Leach
Marlene Leal in memory of Sharon Kirk
Nancy Leasure in memory of Dr. Robert Leasure
Nina & Henry Lederman in memory of Nancy and Ken Scher
Linda Ledgerwood
Jean Lee
Marrianne Lehman
Julienne Lemoine
Susan Leonard in honor of Sisters of the Heart
Miriam Clare LePell
Marlene Lerner-Bigley
The Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation
Diane Leventhal in memory of Vic Leventhal
Michelle Levy
Lise & Frank Lewin
Midge Lewis in memory of Edwin M. Lewis
Marty & Rich Lewis
William Lewis
Alfredo Lieras
John Lindberg
Nana Lisa
Linda Kearney & John Manzolati in memory of Greg Hayes
Michael & Winnie Lohman
Karen Long
Susan Lopez in memory of Lena Leong
Fred Lorenzetti in memory of Mickey Souza
Wayne Low & Betty Costa Low in memory of deceased Costa & Low family members
Janis & Marcus Lowe in memory of our Dear Kupuna
Anthony Lowery
Carole Lucas
Jon Lucchese in honor of Gina Larue
Art Lucero
Caren & Rod Lucich
Derrick & Louise Lue
Verna Lunardi
William & Colleen Lund
Pam & Chuck Luther
Mark Lyall
Mary Lyding
Sheila Macchi
Jerry & Trish MacIntosh
Paul & Janyce Mack
Mark & Allora MacMahon
Dorothy Maddox
Stella Magan in honor of
John Reeves & Keith Magana
Mona Magana in honor of Eric Mills, Action for Animals
Lorraine Magee in memory of Beverly Cavin
Jeanne Magnani
Jon Maienschein & Lisa Cline
Dennis Mancuso
Rosemary Mann
Betty Maranville in memory of Billy Maranville
Raymond & Betty Marchetti
Barry Margesson
Drew Marich in honor of Brooke Marich
Jack & Judith Marks
Josephine Marks
Andrea Maroon
Paula Marshall
Martin Family
Rebecca Martinez in memory of Mike Martinez
Vicki Martinson
Sharon Masingale
Carole Mason
June Masuyama & Harry Bergland
Dana Matthews
Sherry Mattson
Christie Maxwell
Cheryl May
Kathleen McCarter
Bernice & Michael McCarthy
Elaine McClellan
Karen & Pat McCormick
Rachel McDonald
Mike Mcelroy in memory of Angelina McElroy
Jim McGrath
Shirley & Bill McGrath
Joan McIntosh in memory of Gene McIntosh
Don McKenzie
Mary Sue Meads
Dirk Mellema
Tim Meltzer in memory of Pamela K Meltzer
Mary Mendes
Paul & Connie Menzies in memory of Gladys Berkeley
Gisela Merker
Mary Jo Metzger
Johanna Meyer-Mitchell
Ronnie Meza
Donna Mickelson in memory of Tim Gordon
Nick & Heidi Miller in memory of Abel Fabela
Eric & Lynn Miller
Miranda Miller
James Miller
Michele Miller
Carol Miller-Baker
Marion Mills
Anne Mitchell
Don Mizota
The Moglia Family
Marylou Montgomery
Ann & Bill Moon in memory of Ed & Fran Moon and George & Ada Warren
Helen Moore in memory of Alice Bartley-Lawson
Walter Moresi in memory of Shirley Moresi
Kristine Morley
Glenn Morrison
Jean Moss
Alexander Motta
Andrew Moyce
John & Jolene Mudgett
Christina Munoz in memory of my husband Mal and my son Glenn
Joan Murakami
Gail Murphy in honor of Dorothy Walker
Chuck & Lynn Murphy in memory of Gary Lawrence
Joseph Murphy
Jody Murphy & Skip Keller
Carol Mushro in memory of Joseph Mushro
Linda Myers
Barbara & Jay Myers
Laurence Nagel
Amparo Najera
Bradford & Barbara Nash
Janet Neale in memory of Richard A. Neale
Neckar Family
Nelle Neighbor-Alonzo
Douglas Neill in honor of Kristen Boney
Norma Neto
Johnny Ng
Ina Ng
Judy Nichols in memory of my parents
Paula Nichols
Jean Nobbe
Carolie Nobriga in memory of Manuel & Rosalie Nobriga
Bill Nusbaum
Candace O’Brien in memory of John O’Brien
Alda O’Neill in memory of Maria G. Da Silva
Daisy Ogawa
Debbie & Joe Ojeda
B Okamoto
Jean & Dale Olds
Miguel Olea
Julia Olkin
Carol Olmert
Dick & Sally Olsen in memory of Norm Olsen
Carol Gay Olson
Elizabeth & Michael Olson
Polly Olson
Fuad & Debra Omran in memory of Nallip & David Omran
Ethan Orloff
Gary & Joan Ostenberg in memory of the Roback Family
Norm & Joyce Pacheco
Robin Padilla
Rodger & Jorene Page
Charlie Palano
Ken Pardini
Linda Paricio
Ronnie Parker-West
Don Patterson
Chris Pattillo
Steven Paulson
Lamont Paxton MD
Birgit & Ed Pearson
Sherie Pedersen
Doris Perillo
Julie Perlman
Nicola Perrone in memory of Fay Perrone
Eleanor Perry in memory of Fred, Kent & Greg Perry
Cynthia Petersen in honor of Brent Ellis Petersen
Karen Peterson
Rita & Michael Peth
Min Pham
Sylvia Phillips
Esther Picazo in memory of Rebecca Ibarra
James Pierson & Lori McFaull
Irene & Cipriano Pina in memory of
Tom & Rose Lopez and Lino & Mary Pina
Nick Piombo in memory of Tosca Donati
Linda Pirlot
Sal Pizarro
Planchon Roofing Inc.
Pam & Dennis Plant in memory of Mary Plant
Margot & Spencer Platt
Goody Pleasanton in memory of Pete Pleasanton & Patty Stirton
Les & Sue Polgar
Cindy & Randy Pond
Robin Poppino-Kuntz
Zack & Eleesabeth Porter
Michael Powell
James Powell
Michael & Rita Press
Jack & Virginia Preston
Barbara Preston
Lynn Price
Felice Price
Joan Pridgen
Andrea Proctor
Yvonne & Michael Prough
R. & C. Puppione
Karen Queen
Wanda Quever
Larry Quilici in honor of Janet Quilici
Larry Quilici in honor of Jim Quilici
Silvia Quintanilla
Ralph Rader & Pamela Deas
Sue Rainey in memory of Richard Rainey
Tony Ramirez in memory of my brother and brother in law who fought in WWII
Susan Randazzo
Tom & Carol Raney
Paul & Robin Rankin
Ann & Don Rathjen
Jill Ratner
Ronald & S. Raumer
Stephanie Ray
Griff & Leta Reagan in memory of all military, veterans and active
Bob & Michele Redlo
Joy Reid
Audrey Reilly
Barbara & Al Resnick
Anastassios Retzios
Linda Reuter
Patricia Reyes
Dusty & Linda Rhoades
Vera Elaine Rhodes in memory of K.S. Dusty Rhodes
Ron & Mona Ricard
Robert Rieder
Vickey Rinehart in memory of Margaret Knight
Don & Sharon Ritchey
Mertin Ritchie
Carol Roach in memory of Elizabeth Roach
Marilyn Roach in memory of my father
Linda Robbins
Dwight & Julie Roberts
Tim Rooney & Linda Gray
Bernie & Julie Rose
Doris Rosen
Miki Ross in memory of
James Ross Sr., J-Too’s, Kevin & Anthony
Helen & Louie Rossi
Rosso Family
Jay Rothstein
Lynn & Robert Roundy
Lynda Roy
Jean Runge in memory of
Jan Lyons Attorney, who shared her spirit with many
Evelyn Russell in memory of Don J. Russell
Leslie Saito
Barbara Saito
Robert Sanders in memory of Joan L. Sanders
Vincent & Ruth Santell
Joyce Santos
Leslie Satin
Mark & Stella Scafidi in honor of Paul Scafidi and the Scafidi Family
Bill & Emily Schardt
Charlotte Schell
John & Nancy Schick
Schilling Family
Bonnie Schlobohm
Gregg Schluntz in memory of Nancy Schluntz
Christine Schmidt in memory of Jackie Pomerantz
Anna Schneider
Steve & Mary Schneider
Julie Schnur
Barbara Schonfeld
Mary Lou Schriner
Jacque & Jeff Schubert
Joan Schuld in honor of Eric Schuld
William Schumann in memory of Janet Schumann
Stewart & Bette Schuster
Maxine Scott in memory of Leonard Scott III
Rob Scott
Larry & Leona Seidell
Sara Seltzer in honor of
Shirley Semenza
Gerald & Leanne Severson
Vernita Shahpar
Anne Sharkey in memory of Stephen Sharkey
Anne Sharkey in memory of Tom Sharkey
Lucy Sherbondy
Steve Sherman
Shirley Shevchenko
Samantha Shiraishi in honor of the kids
Joe & Janet Sholes
Richard Silbert in memory of Clena Fontehera
Penny Silva
Patricia Singer in memory of Lloyd & Jacquelyn Trimble
Kaaren Slocum
Margaret Sluus
Jean Small
Nan Smekofske in honor of JC Christopherson
Chris Smith in honor of Felipe Ledesma Magana
Dan & Jan Smith
Daniel Smith
Marian Smock
Miriam Smolover
Nancy Smythe
Ned & Elizabeth Soares
Daniel & Sue Spencer in memory of Barbara Bergeron
Joan Spiegel
Diane Spieler
Anita Stapen
Roberta Starsiak
Thor Start & Joanne Drabek
Carol Statley
Jan & Jeff Stegner
Joyce Stein
Ron & Laurie Steiner
David & Rosalind Stelle
Jutta Stephan
John Stephenson
Jennifer Skrel & Steve Grimes in memory of Kevin Grimes
Gordon Stevenson in memory of
Karen Miliani Stevenson
Romer Stevenson
Annette Stiefbold
Dave Stoeffler
Nora Stoffel in memory of Thomas Stoffel
John & Helen Stone in memory of William Ainslow
Winifred Stribling in memory of Horace Crawford
Tom Sturm
Craig Sundstrom
Alan & Dawn Surges
Corinne Sutherland
Lois Swanson
Judith Taggart in memory of Gene Taggart
Donald & Sandie Takakura
Tan Family Foundation
Beverly Tanaka
Mike & Jann Taylor in honor of our parents
John Templeton
Larry & Carol Tessler
Mark Thibedeau
D. Thom in memory of Peggy Yu
William Thomas
Janet Thomas
Jeannie Thompson
Cheryl Thompson
Barbara Thornton
J. & B. Thurston
Esther Tidwell
Lynne Tierney
Susan & Michael Tiffany-Brown
Octavio Tisnado
Quinlan Tom
Patricia Torres
Peggy & Roy Towers
Stacey Travis
Patricia Trumball
Sonny & Gail Tsuboi
Dona Turner in memory of Claire T. Turner
Michael Tyrell
Mary Ulrich in memory of Stephen Ulrich
Joan Underwood
Lynn Uzzo
John & Mary Vadnais
Vea Van Kessell in memory of Helen Kolberg
Nial Van Wagner
M.A. Van Woerkom
Norma Vancott
Robin & Dean Vanni in memory of Fred Vanni
Nancy Vasko in honor of Rox
Gerald Veiluva
Lou & Candace Venegas in honor of
the Mackin Family
Karen & Jeff Vesely in memory of Jim & Jane Gillis
Andrea Vigil
Rich Villalobos
Barbara Vinson
Judy Vohs
Pamela Volan
Linda VonNovak
Hannah W .
Penny Wade
Susan Wagner
Nancy Waisanen
Kathleen Walker
Lloyd Walker Jr.
John Walkinshaw
Brian & Susan Walley
Carolyn Wang in memory of Buddy
Bjorg Wasserfall
N. Watanabe in memory of James & Fumiko Kamada
Linda & Donald Waters
Wallace Watson in memory of Joy Brock
Sandra & David Weber
Carole Wedl
Marilyn Weible
Gary & Sandi Weisbrod in memory of Edward Ruflin
Richard Weisgal
Robert & Judy Weissman
Johana West in memory of Eva Armstead
Robin West in memory of Mary Ann Harper
Carolyn & Tom Westhoff
Idell Weydemeyer in honor of David Meredith
Mary Whaley in honor of homeless folks & families
Deborah Wheeler
Aria & Bill White
R. Ann Whitehead
Bob & Mona Whitley
David Whitney
Lorraine Wieder
Ingrid Wiley
Carol Wiley
Diane Williams
Thelma Williams
Jes & Marie Williams
M. & G. Wilson in memory of our 2 Jims
Angela Wilson
John & Noel Wilson
Judy & Roger Wilson
Bea Winslow
Lois Winter
Anne Winter
Richard Witczak
David Wittenbrock
Judy Ann Wobleski
Rebecca Wong in honor of Burt & Jane Yin
Lindsay Wong in memory of Lincoln & Annabelle Mon
Florence Wong
John & Jocelyn Wong-Rolles
Tracy Wonnell
Gayle Woodhead
Ron & Anne Woods in memory of Don Campbell
Carole Woods
Kathryn Woolley in memory of Al & Betty Steffe and Al & Irene Petrini
WPW Foundation
Nancy & Darren Wright
Pamela Wyche
Julian & Janet Xavier
Doug Yamamoto
Stephanie Yang
Betty Yates
Meredyth & Gregory Young in memory of John Eilers
Randall & Sharon Young
M. J. Young
Carolyn Young
Terry & Allen Yuen
Mary Zaragoza in honor of Corrine Zaragoza
Maria Zavala in memory of Maria M. Almirante
Jon & Bette Zbasnik
Gaylin & Shirley Zeigler
Linda Zercher
Carol Zuckerman
Barbara Zuniga